Paper Edition | Page: 7
This formula recurs repeatedly throughout Muslim countries
blasphemy is always responded to with anger. For some Muslim groups,
those who mock their sacred beliefs must be punished.
with no legal power to punish the mockers, rage is directed at whoever
is considered as abetting in the mockery. The embassies of the US,
Germany and UK in the Middle East, despite having nothing to do with the
movie Innocence of Muslims, were attacked in the subsequent protests
against it. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens along with another three
US officials, entirely unconnected with the movie, were killed during an
attack on a US consulate in Libya.
In many cases, from Benedict
XVI’s speech in Germany, the Danish cartoons, to Geert Wilders’ movie
Fitna, it was the face of violent outrage that represented Muslims
across the world. This time Sam Bacile, the pseudonymous maker of
Innocence of Muslims, reaped similar dramatic outrage from Muslim groups
from Benghazi to Jakarta to previous cases of blasphemy.
Let us
make the case simple. Do you not see what will happen when you
continually show outrage at being mocked? People will think that their
mockery works.
Rather than desisting from making fun of you, they will heap more ridicule on you.
that you are childish, having no ability to restrain yourself from
fury, mockers will become more creative in their efforts to disparage
Indeed, mockers of Islam always get what they expect from
their nasty ideas. They know that discrediting Islam — no matter how
disreputable their sense of humor and artistic tastes are — is a risk
worth taking. Upon hearing the death threats, the mockers go into hiding
to attract more public attention. What is clear is that drawing
cartoons and producing movies denigrating Islam and Muslims always yield
more public outrage in the Muslim world than the mockers could ever
hope for in their wildest imagination.
On the other hand, public
anger can also serve as rhetoric and a method of political bargaining.
Radicalism and conservatism find a medium by which Muslim solidarity can
be roused.
As seen in various mass protests, self-victimization
has indeed been an effective tool to produce a Muslim collective
identity that had been marginalized during times of liberal democracy
and free markets.
To put the point differently, amid the public
outrage against the blasphemies committed by those want to take
advantage of Muslim volatility, Islamism has gained a momentum to
further agitate Muslim sentiment. The conspiracy theory suggesting that
the West systematically weakens Islam is further borne out.
this. When a small child is faced with contempt from his bigger friend,
the former shows anger in a rather unique way. The victim, who lacks
the courage to face the bigger child, will throw a tantrum, during which
the smaller child lashes out at other children of equal size. On the
other hand, upon seeing the victim’s outrage and overreaction to
mockery, the bigger child feels a sense of satisfaction.
both the mocker and victim enjoy the mockery game. Both parties are
addicted to mockery. Whenever the bigger child repeatedly mocks the
small one, the latter runs amok. Whereas the mocker takes pleasure in
seeing the victim’s delinquent violence, the victim also exercises his
power over his friends.
In other words, the two sides reap
benefits. Not only is the producer of Innocence of Muslims satisfied at
seeing the reactions against his work, conservative and radical
Islamists also seize the momentum. Showing anger publicly is also an
exercise of power.
The ritual of mass rallies are re-enacted in
various cities across the Muslim world. Although most never see the
movie, they pretend to get angry. Of course, their protest does not
always convey their religious feelings but rather political
Nonetheless, in Jakarta, the movie has not brought
forth significant fruit. The radical groups — the Islamic Community
Forum (FUI), Indonesian Hisbut Tahrir (HTI) and FPI (Islam Defenders
Front) — failed in their mission to exercise power in public.
politics is always local, local issue dominate people’s priorities in
the capital city. Jakarta’s gubernatorial election buried the radicals’
reactions against the movie. Poor Bacile. Poor FUI, HTI and FPI!
in all, when you fall into bankruptcy, like the alleged moviemaker who
was imprisoned due to bank fraud, you need an alternative career and
committing blasphemy against Islamic symbols sounds promising. If you
want to attract the world’s attention, so that major global news
channels will mention your name, make a movie or draw a cartoon
despising Muslims.
The writer is a lecturer at the Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, Yogyakarta.
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